ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2009, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (2): 130-132.

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  1. 266033 山东 青岛,青岛市中医医院儿科
  • 出版日期:2009-04-25 上线日期:2019-06-20
  • 作者简介:葛湄菲(1960-),女,主任医师。研究方向:小儿常见病、多发病的内病外治,E。

Effect of external application of Xiaoji powder on the gastrointestinal motility

  • Published:2009-04-25 Online:2019-06-20

摘要: 目的探讨中药消积散外敷对胃肠动力的影响。 方法(1)取18~22 g小白鼠30只随机分为3组,测其全长和炭末前沿至贲门的距离,计算其与全长的百分比,即推进百分率;(2)取一段豚鼠空肠组织(约3 cm),肠两端用线结扎,一端系于通气钩上,放入盛有台氏液的麦氏浴槽中,通入含体积分数为0.05的CO2的氧气,水浴温度为(35.0±0.1)℃,另一端系于负荷约2 g的换能器上,连接记录仪,观察肠平滑肌正常运动,并按不同的3种顺序给药,描记其波形;(3)Wistar大鼠30只。实验组10只,运用消积散外敷相当大鼠的神阙穴和中脘穴;脾虚组10只,与实验组同期造模给予胃肠生物电检测,但不用任何药物;空白组:正常大鼠10只,与上两组同期检测其胃肠生物电。 结果(1)以0.1 g/只消积散给予小鼠腹部用药5 d,即显示非常显著的增强胃肠推进功能作用;(2)消积散不仅对正常离体平滑肌有舒张作用,同时对由于乙酰胆碱、氯化钡引起的肠平滑肌痉挛也有强的解痉作用,该实验是以硫酸阿托品10 μg作为阳性对照药进行对照实验,显示了硫酸阿托品的解痉作用图形;(3)消积散敷脐对脾虚引起的胃肠电紊乱有明显的调节作用,使脾虚大鼠的胃肠电基本恢复到正常状态。 结论中药消积散有望成为一种新型的胃肠动力性外敷中药。

关键词: 消积散/治疗应用;胃肠疾病/治疗;中药外敷;脾虚;中草药;动物, 实验

Abstract: ObjectiveTo explore the effect of external application of Xiaoji powder on the gastrointestinal motility. Methods①Thirty mice of 1822 g were divided into 3 groups.Measure their length and the distance from forefront of the carbon at the end to the cardia,and calculate the percentage of the distance /the fulllength,that is,the subrate promoter.②Take a section of the jejunum (about 3 cm),ligate both ends of the intestine with wire,tie one end to the ventilation hook,put it in the Michael's bath trough filled with Tyrode solution,access to the oxygen with 5% CO2,and control water bath temperature at (35.0±0.1)℃.The other end lines in the the transducer,which had about 2 g load,and connect with recording devices to observe the normal movement of intestinal smooth muscle.And then, feed the mice with medicine according to three different orders and PsG its waveform.③ Wistar rats 30.Experiment group: 10,with external application of Xiaoji powder on Shenque Point and Zhongwan Point of rats.Spleen deficiency group: 10,making models and gastrointestinal bioelectric detection at the same period with experiment group,but without any drug.Healthy rats group (referred to as the blank group): normal rats 10,with the gastrointestinal bioelectric detection at the same period with the above two groups. Results①Five days after abdominal application of Xiaoji power(0.1 g per mouce),the medicine showed a very significant effect in enhancing gastrointestinal propulsive function.② Xiaoji powder not only had relaxing effect on the normal smooth muscle in vitro,but also had a strong spasmolytic effect on acetylcholine,green bariuminduced spasm of intestinal smooth muscle.The experiment was based on 10 μg atropine sulfate as a positive control to carry out control experiments.It showed the graphics of atropine sulfate in spasmolytic role.③Xiaoji powder navel paste therapy played a positive role in adjusting the gastrointestinal electric disorder caused by deficiency of spleen Qi,and could restore it to its normal state. ConclusionXiaoji powder is expected to be a new type of external application of traditional Chinese medicine in gastrointestinal motility.

Key words: Xiaoji powder/Therapeutic use;Gastrointestinal disease/treatment;External application of traditional Chinese medicine;Deficiency of spleen Qi;Chinese herbs;Animal, experiment