中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 292-.
Huaiqihuang granules is a Chinese patent medicine commonly used in modern pediatric clinic, which is composed of bacterial substance of Sophora japonica, wolfberry fruit and polygonatum. It has the effect of comprehensiveregulation and nourishment on the human body, and is widely used in pediatric clinic. This paper reviewsthe research progress in the clinical application of Huaiqihuang granules in pediatric department in recent years, which shows that there have been more and more researches in Huaiqihuang granules, but there is a lack of large-sample multicenter research and real-world research, and there is less research in its application safety, so the treatmenteffect of Huaiqihuang granules on different types of various diseases needs to be further and carefully studied. With the deepening of experimental research, especially the application of cytobiological and molecular biological technology, the functional mechanism and clinical application of Huaiqihuang granules should be further investigated.