ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 292-.

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  1. 130117 长春,长春中医药大学2018级中西医结合临床专业研究生(韩晶),2018级中医儿科学专业研究生(徐炎);130021 长春,长春中医药大学附属医院儿童诊疗中心(孙丽平)
  • 出版日期:2021-08-25 上线日期:2021-12-07
  • 通讯作者: 孙丽平,
  • 作者简介:韩晶(1993-),女,长春中医药大学2018级硕士研究生在读。研究方向:中西医结合临床防治小儿疾病的研究
  • 基金资助:

Research progress in clinical application of Huaiqihuang granules in pediatrics

Huaiqihuang granules is a Chinese patent medicine commonly used in modern pediatric clinic, which is composed of bacterial substance of Sophora japonica, wolfberry fruit and polygonatum. It has the effect of comprehensiveregulation and nourishment on the human body, and is widely used in pediatric clinic. This paper reviewsthe research progress in the clinical application of Huaiqihuang granules in pediatric department in recent years, which shows that there have been more and more researches in Huaiqihuang granules, but there is a lack of large-sample multicenter research and real-world research, and there is less research in its application safety, so the treatmenteffect of Huaiqihuang granules on different types of various diseases needs to be further and carefully studied. With the deepening of experimental research, especially the application of cytobiological and molecular biological technology, the functional mechanism and clinical application of Huaiqihuang granules should be further investigated.   

  1. Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Changchun 130117,China
  • Published:2021-08-25 Online:2021-12-07

摘要: 槐杞黄颗粒是现代儿科临床常用中成药,由槐耳菌质、枸杞子、黄精等组成,对机体具有广泛而全面的调节与滋补作用,在儿科临床应用广泛。本文将槐杞黄颗粒近年在儿科临床应用的研究进展予以综述,发现近年来对槐杞黄颗粒的研究日益增多,但缺乏大样本多中心的研究与真实世界的研究,并且其在儿科运用的安全性问题探讨较少,对于槐杞黄颗粒针对于各类疾病的不同分型治疗效果应需进一步细化研究。随着实验研究的不断深入,尤其是细胞生物学及分子生物学技术的运用,槐杞黄颗粒的作用机制及临床应用应当进一步被挖掘。

关键词: 呼吸系统疾病, 肾脏疾病, 槐杞黄颗粒, 儿童

Abstract: Huaiqihuang granules is a Chinese patent medicine commonly used in modern pediatric clinic, which is composed of bacterial substance of Sophora japonica, wolfberry fruit and polygonatum. It has the effect of comprehensiveregulation and nourishment on the human body, and is widely used in pediatric clinic. This paper reviewsthe research progress in the clinical application of Huaiqihuang granules in pediatric department in recent years, which shows that there have been more and more researches in Huaiqihuang granules, but there is a lack of large-sample multicenter research and real-world research, and there is less research in its application safety, so the treatmenteffect of Huaiqihuang granules on different types of various diseases needs to be further and carefully studied. With the deepening of experimental research, especially the application of cytobiological and molecular biological technology, the functional mechanism and clinical application of Huaiqihuang granules should be further investigated.

Key words: Respiratory disease, Kidney disease, Huaiqihuang granules, Children