ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 317-.

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


结果:255例幼儿早期语言发育评估结果总的发育商分数为(32.04±19.09)分,总的发育月龄为(13.09±9.19)个月;总的睡眠时长(12.52±2.83)h,白天睡眠时长(3.08±5.66)h,夜醒次数(1.54±1.41)次;早期语言发育进程量表测评的总发育月龄、分量表A的发育月龄及发育商分数,与24 h总睡眠时长之间相关系数在0.6~0.8,表示有强正相关性。早期语言发育进程量表测评的总的发育商分数、分量表B和分量表C的发育月龄及发育商分数,与24 h总睡眠时长之间相关系数在0.4~0.6,属于中等强度正相关。早期语言发育评估结果与夜醒次数中等强度负相关性;与夜间睡眠时长无相关性、与日间睡眠时长弱相关性,夜醒时长有负的弱相关。

  1. 545001 广西 柳州,柳州市中医医院儿童康复科
  • 出版日期:2021-08-25 上线日期:2021-12-10
  • 通讯作者: 刘芳,
  • 作者简介:刘芳(1973-),女,副主任医师。研究方向:儿童发育行为及神经康复
  • 基金资助:

Study on the correlation between early language development and sleep in toddlers aged 12 to 30 months

Objective:To study the correlation between early language development and sleep in children.#br# Methods:A total of 255 toddlers aged 12 to 30 months were chosen, who underwent physical examination in the Child Healthcare Clinicof Liuzhou Traditional Chinese Hospital from April 2019 to June 2020. Besides the physical examination, Early Language Development Progression Scale was used to evaluate the language development of the toddlers, and at the same time, the Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire(BISQ) was adopted to collect the sleep information, and the results were statistically analyzed.#br# Results:The evaluation of the early language development in these 255 toddlers showedthat the total development quotient was (32.04±19.09); the total development age was (13.09±9.19)months; the total sleep duration was (12.52±2.83)hours: the day sleep duration was (3.08±5.66), and the number of night wakening was (1.54±1.41); the correlation coefficient of the total development months of the Early Language Development Progression Scale and the development months and the development quotient of the subscale A with total 24h sleep duration was 0.6 to 0.8, which showed that there was a strong positive relationship. The correlation coefficient of the total development quotient of the Early Language Development Progression Scale, the development months and development quotient of subscale B and subscale C with total 24h sleep duration was 0.4 to 0.6, which showed that there was a moderate positive relationship.There was a moderate negative relationship between the evaluation results of early language development and the number of night wakening, no relationship with night sleep duration, a weak relationship with day sleep duration, and a weak negative relationship with night wakening duration.#br# Conclusion:There is a strong positive relationship between early language development and sleep duration of the toddlers and a weak positive relationship with day sleep duration.   

  1. Child Rehabilitation Department, Liuzhou Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital, Liuzhou 545001, China
  • Published:2021-08-25 Online:2021-12-10

摘要: 目的:研究幼儿早期语言发展与睡眠的关联性。
结果:255例幼儿早期语言发育评估结果总的发育商分数为(32.04±19.09)分,总的发育月龄为(13.09±9.19)个月;总的睡眠时长(12.52±2.83)h,白天睡眠时长(3.08±5.66)h,夜醒次数(1.54±1.41)次;早期语言发育进程量表测评的总发育月龄、分量表A的发育月龄及发育商分数,与24 h总睡眠时长之间相关系数在0.6~0.8,表示有强正相关性。早期语言发育进程量表测评的总的发育商分数、分量表B和分量表C的发育月龄及发育商分数,与24 h总睡眠时长之间相关系数在0.4~0.6,属于中等强度正相关。早期语言发育评估结果与夜醒次数中等强度负相关性;与夜间睡眠时长无相关性、与日间睡眠时长弱相关性,夜醒时长有负的弱相关。

关键词: 语言发展, 睡眠, 幼儿

Abstract: Objective:To study the correlation between early language development and sleep in children.
Methods:A total of 255 toddlers aged 12 to 30 months were chosen, who underwent physical examination in the Child Healthcare Clinicof Liuzhou Traditional Chinese Hospital from April 2019 to June 2020. Besides the physical examination, Early Language Development Progression Scale was used to evaluate the language development of the toddlers, and at the same time, the Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire(BISQ) was adopted to collect the sleep information, and the results were statistically analyzed.
Results:The evaluation of the early language development in these 255 toddlers showedthat the total development quotient was (32.04±19.09); the total development age was (13.09±9.19)months; the total sleep duration was (12.52±2.83)hours: the day sleep duration was (3.08±5.66), and the number of night wakening was (1.54±1.41); the correlation coefficient of the total development months of the Early Language Development Progression Scale and the development months and the development quotient of the subscale A with total 24h sleep duration was 0.6 to 0.8, which showed that there was a strong positive relationship. The correlation coefficient of the total development quotient of the Early Language Development Progression Scale, the development months and development quotient of subscale B and subscale C with total 24h sleep duration was 0.4 to 0.6, which showed that there was a moderate positive relationship.There was a moderate negative relationship between the evaluation results of early language development and the number of night wakening, no relationship with night sleep duration, a weak relationship with day sleep duration, and a weak negative relationship with night wakening duration.
Conclusion:There is a strong positive relationship between early language development and sleep duration of the toddlers and a weak positive relationship with day sleep duration.

Key words: Language development, Sleep, Toddler