中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 347-.
Puji Xiaodu drink comes from an ancient medical book called "Dongyuan experimental prescription", written by Li Gao in Jin Dynasty. The prescription was originally designed to treat fever with swollen head because it can clear heat and remove toxicity, disperse wind and evil spirits. In modern times,based on the fact that fever with swollen head is caused by upward wind-heat pathogen attacking the head,Puji Xiaodu drink is used to treat acutesuppurative tonsillitis,acute lymphadenitis,mumps,etc., which has attained significant effects. Especially for acute suppurative tonsillitis, Puji Xiaodu drink,combined with bleeding at the tip of ear,have remarkable effect in clearing heat and reducing symptoms with less cost,fewer side effects and shorter course.