ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 213-218.

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


目的: 探索张卫东主任医师治疗小儿咽炎的用药数据,研究其用药特色和组方规律。
方法: 通过收集张主任治疗小儿咽炎的门诊临证处方,利用Excel和IBM SPSS 22.0软件建设数据库,采用IBM SPSS Modeler 18,运用关联规则Apriori算法,分析700首方剂中药和药物种类、归经的使用频次和用药规律,并以图表进行描述。
结果: 处方中使用频次排在前5位的依次是黄芩、玄参、焦山楂、甘草、连翘;排名前3位的高频药物类型依次为清热药、化痰止咳药、补虚药;药性以寒、温、平性为主;药味多是甘、苦、辛味;排名前3位的高频药物归经类型依次为肝经,肺经,胃经,根据关联规则分析得出玄参、浙贝母、焦山楂、黄芩、连翘、甘草、乌梅7味药物为治疗小儿咽炎的核心药物。
结论: 通过对小儿咽炎用药频次,关联性,脏腑辨证诸方面因素分析,体现出张主任用药整体以养阴、清热解毒、化痰瘀为主的思想。   

  1. 721000 宝鸡,宝鸡市妇幼保健院中医科(岳思淙,汤淑斌);宝鸡市中医医院儿科(张卫东)
  • 出版日期:2021-06-25 上线日期:2021-12-15
  • 通讯作者: 汤淑斌,
  • 作者简介:岳思淙(1987-),男,主治医师。研究方向:中医药防治儿童常见病

Analysis of medication rules in children with pharyngitis based on data mining

Objective: To explore the medication data in children with pharyngitis treated by Prof. Zhang Weidong, the chief physician, and to study the characteristics of his medication and the rules of prescription.#br# Methods: The clinical prescriptions of Prof. Zhang in the treatment of children with pharyngitis were collected. Excel and IBM SPSS 22.0 softwares were used to establish the database. A total of 700 prescriptions were analyzed by IBM SPSS Modeler 18 and Apriori algorithm of association rules, concerning the types and channel tropism of medicines, frequency in use, and the medication rules. The charts were used to describe them.#br# Results: The top five drugs, based on the frequency in use, were Baikal Skullcap, radix scrophulariae,scorched hawthorn fruit, licorice and Forsythia suspensa. The top three types of drugs with high frequency were heat-clearing drugs, the drugs for relieving cough and reducing sputum and the drugs for tonifying deficiency. The drugs were mainly cold, warm and mild in nature, and they were mostly sweet, bitter and pungent. The top three types of channel tropism of high-frequency drugs were in turn liver meridian, lung meridian and stomach meridian. According to association rules analysis, it was concluded that radix scrophulariae, Fritillariathunbergii, scorched hawthorn fruit, Baikal Skullcap, Forsythia suspensa, Licorice and dark plum were the core drugs.#br# Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the frequency in drug use, association and organs, it is shown that Prof. Zhang focuses on nourishing Yin, clearing heat, detoxification and resolving phlegm and blood stasis in the medication.   

  1. Departmentof TCM Baoji Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, Baoji 721000,China
  • Published:2021-06-25 Online:2021-12-15

摘要: 目的: 探索张卫东主任医师治疗小儿咽炎的用药数据,研究其用药特色和组方规律。
方法: 通过收集张主任治疗小儿咽炎的门诊临证处方,利用Excel和IBM SPSS 22.0软件建设数据库,采用IBM SPSS Modeler 18,运用关联规则Apriori算法,分析700首方剂中药和药物种类、归经的使用频次和用药规律,并以图表进行描述。
结果: 处方中使用频次排在前5位的依次是黄芩、玄参、焦山楂、甘草、连翘;排名前3位的高频药物类型依次为清热药、化痰止咳药、补虚药;药性以寒、温、平性为主;药味多是甘、苦、辛味;排名前3位的高频药物归经类型依次为肝经,肺经,胃经,根据关联规则分析得出玄参、浙贝母、焦山楂、黄芩、连翘、甘草、乌梅7味药物为治疗小儿咽炎的核心药物。
结论: 通过对小儿咽炎用药频次,关联性,脏腑辨证诸方面因素分析,体现出张主任用药整体以养阴、清热解毒、化痰瘀为主的思想。

关键词: 咽炎, 清化饮, 用药规律, 数据挖掘, 儿童

Abstract: Objective: To explore the medication data in children with pharyngitis treated by Prof. Zhang Weidong, the chief physician, and to study the characteristics of his medication and the rules of prescription.
Methods: The clinical prescriptions of Prof. Zhang in the treatment of children with pharyngitis were collected. Excel and IBM SPSS 22.0 softwares were used to establish the database. A total of 700 prescriptions were analyzed by IBM SPSS Modeler 18 and Apriori algorithm of association rules, concerning the types and channel tropism of medicines, frequency in use, and the medication rules. The charts were used to describe them.
Results: The top five drugs, based on the frequency in use, were Baikal Skullcap, radix scrophulariae,scorched hawthorn fruit, licorice and Forsythia suspensa. The top three types of drugs with high frequency were heat-clearing drugs, the drugs for relieving cough and reducing sputum and the drugs for tonifying deficiency. The drugs were mainly cold, warm and mild in nature, and they were mostly sweet, bitter and pungent. The top three types of channel tropism of high-frequency drugs were in turn liver meridian, lung meridian and stomach meridian. According to association rules analysis, it was concluded that radix scrophulariae, Fritillariathunbergii, scorched hawthorn fruit, Baikal Skullcap, Forsythia suspensa, Licorice and dark plum were the core drugs.
Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the frequency in drug use, association and organs, it is shown that Prof. Zhang focuses on nourishing Yin, clearing heat, detoxification and resolving phlegm and blood stasis in the medication.

Key words: Pharyngitis, Qinghuayin, Medication law, Data mining, Children