ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 250-252.

• 小儿中药应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 061001 河北 沧州,河北省沧州中西医结合医院治未病科(李海华,张志国,赵辉),儿科(王芳),药剂科(董晶晶)
  • 出版日期:2021-06-25 上线日期:2021-12-17
  • 通讯作者: 赵辉,
  • 作者简介:李海华(1985-),女,医学硕士,主治医师。研究方向:中医药防治儿童呼吸、消化系统疾病
  • 基金资助:

New application of herbal paste in the treatment of winter diseases in summer for children with recurrent respiratorytract infection

Recurrent respiratory tract infection in children results from the deficiency of lung, spleen and kidney. The key to treatment is to strengthen the body and dispel pathogenic factors, invigorate the spleen and benefit the lung, and improve the function of the lung and spleen in children, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the children's resistance to diseases. Based on the theory and clinical practice of traditionalChinese medicine, the feasibility of treating children with recurrent respiratory tract infection by using herbal paste in summer was discussed, so as to provide a new idea and a more convenient and effective method for the diagnosis and treatment of children with recurrent respiratory tract infection, and to provide a wider range for herbal paste application.   

  1. Cangzhou Hospital of Integrated TCM, Cangzhou 061001,China
  • Published:2021-06-25 Online:2021-12-17

摘要: 儿童反复呼吸道感染在于肺脾肾不足,治疗的关键在于扶正祛邪,健脾益肺,提高儿童肺脾功能,从而达到提高儿童抗病能力的目的。通过中医治未病理论与临床实践,探讨夏日应用膏方治疗儿童反复呼吸道感染的可行性,为儿童反复呼吸道感染的诊疗提供新思路,提供更便捷、有效的方法。并为膏方应用提供更广阔的范围。

关键词: 反复呼吸道感染;膏方;新用法;冬病夏治;儿童 

Abstract: Recurrent respiratory tract infection in children results from the deficiency of lung, spleen and kidney. The key to treatment is to strengthen the body and dispel pathogenic factors, invigorate the spleen and benefit the lung, and improve the function of the lung and spleen in children, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the children's resistance to diseases. Based on the theory and clinical practice of traditionalChinese medicine, the feasibility of treating children with recurrent respiratory tract infection by using herbal paste in summer was discussed, so as to provide a new idea and a more convenient and effective method for the diagnosis and treatment of children with recurrent respiratory tract infection, and to provide a wider range for herbal paste application.

Key words: Recurrent respiratory tract infection, Herbal paste, New method, Treatment for winter disease in summer, Children