ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 269-274.

• 调查研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


目的: 了解2017~2018年兰州市0~14岁儿童急性呼吸道感染(ARTI)病毒病原谱构成及流行特征,为儿童急性呼吸道病毒感染的防治提供临床依据。
方法: 收集2017年10月至2018年9月就诊于兰州大学第二医院儿科门诊并符合纳入标准的188例ARTI患儿鼻咽拭子,采用毛细管电泳法进行流感病毒(IFV)A、B型、呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)A、B型、副流感病毒(PIV)1~4型、腺病毒(ADV)、人偏肺病毒(HMPV)、人博卡病毒(HBoV)、鼻病毒/人肠道病毒(HRV/HEV)和人冠状病毒(HCoV)的检测。
〖HT5”H〗结果188例标本中,173例病毒核酸检测阳性,阳性率为9202%;RSV阳性率最高,为34.0%(64/188),依次递减为IFV 30.9%(58/188)、PIV 22.9%(43/188)、ADV 19.1%(36/188)、HRV/HEV 10.6%(20/188)、HCoV 7.4%(14/188)、HBoV 3.2%(6/188)、HMPV 2.1%(4/188);其中2种以上病毒混合感染44例,占23.4%;RSV、IFV和ADV阳性率无显著季节差异,而PIV、HRV/HEV和HCoV在冬季阳性率显著增高;1岁以下患儿呼吸道病毒阳性率达100%。
结论: 2017~2018年兰州市儿童ARTI病毒主要是RSV、IFV、PIV和ADV,并且宜全年防控;1岁以下婴儿ARTI早期以病毒感染为主,不宜常规使用抗菌药物。   

  1. 730030 兰州,兰州大学第二医院小儿呼吸科(邵丽丽,董信芳,丁霞,焦琼杰,倪倩),儿科门急诊(张世梅)
  • 出版日期:2021-06-25 上线日期:2021-12-17
  • 通讯作者: 倪倩,
  • 作者简介:邵丽丽(1984-),女,医学硕士,主治医师。研究方向:小儿呼吸系统疾病的诊治
  • 基金资助:

Spectrum analysis of acute respiratory virus infection in children in Lanzhou city from 2017 to 2018

Objective: To understand the viral pathogen composition and epidemic characteristics of children aged 0-14 year old with acute respiratory tract infection(ARTI) in Lanzhou city from 2017 to 2018, and to provide clinical basis for the diagnosis and prevention of ARTI in children.#br# Methods: A total of 188 pharyngeal swabs of children with ARTI were collected from outpatient department, whichmeet the inclusion criteria, in Lanzhou University Second Hospital from October 2017 to September 2018. Capillary electrophoresiswas used to detect Influenza virus(IFV)A and B(IFVA, IFVB), respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)A and B(RSVA, RSVB), parainfluenza virus (PIV)1.4(PIV1.4), adenovirus(ADV), human metapneumonia virus(HMPV), human bocavirus(HBoV), rhinovirus/human enterovirus(HRV/HEV), and human coronavirus(HCoV). #br# Results: At least one kind of viruses was detected in 173 out of 188 cases, the overall positive rate was 92.02%. The positive rate of RVS was highest with a value of 34.0% (64/188), followed by IFV 30.9% (58/188), PIV 22.9% (43/188), ADV 19.1%(36/188), HRV/HEV 10.6%(20/188), HCoV 7.4%(14/188), HBoV 3.2%(6/188)and HMPV 2.1%(4/188). There were 44 cases(23.4%) of mixed infectionof two or more kinds of viruses. There was no significant seasonal difference in the positive rate of RSV, IFV and ADV, and the positive rate of PIV, HRV/HEV and HCoV was significantly increased. The positive rate of respiratory virus in children under 1 year old was the highest, reaching 100.0%. #br# Conclusion: Child ARTI in Lanzhou city from October 2017 to September 2018 are mainly caused by RSV, IFV, PIV and ADV, and should be controlled through the whole year. Virus infection is the main pathogen at early stages of child ARTI under 1 year old, and the routine use of antimicrobial agents is not appropriate.   

  1. Pediatric Respiratory Department, Lanzhou University Second Hospital, Lanzhou 730030,China
  • Published:2021-06-25 Online:2021-12-17

摘要: 目的: 了解2017~2018年兰州市0~14岁儿童急性呼吸道感染(ARTI)病毒病原谱构成及流行特征,为儿童急性呼吸道病毒感染的防治提供临床依据。
方法: 收集2017年10月至2018年9月就诊于兰州大学第二医院儿科门诊并符合纳入标准的188例ARTI患儿鼻咽拭子,采用毛细管电泳法进行流感病毒(IFV)A、B型、呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)A、B型、副流感病毒(PIV)1~4型、腺病毒(ADV)、人偏肺病毒(HMPV)、人博卡病毒(HBoV)、鼻病毒/人肠道病毒(HRV/HEV)和人冠状病毒(HCoV)的检测。
〖HT5”H〗结果188例标本中,173例病毒核酸检测阳性,阳性率为9202%;RSV阳性率最高,为34.0%(64/188),依次递减为IFV 30.9%(58/188)、PIV 22.9%(43/188)、ADV 19.1%(36/188)、HRV/HEV 10.6%(20/188)、HCoV 7.4%(14/188)、HBoV 3.2%(6/188)、HMPV 2.1%(4/188);其中2种以上病毒混合感染44例,占23.4%;RSV、IFV和ADV阳性率无显著季节差异,而PIV、HRV/HEV和HCoV在冬季阳性率显著增高;1岁以下患儿呼吸道病毒阳性率达100%。
结论: 2017~2018年兰州市儿童ARTI病毒主要是RSV、IFV、PIV和ADV,并且宜全年防控;1岁以下婴儿ARTI早期以病毒感染为主,不宜常规使用抗菌药物。

关键词: 急性呼吸道感染, 病毒, 兰州市, 儿童

Abstract: Objective: To understand the viral pathogen composition and epidemic characteristics of children aged 0-14 year old with acute respiratory tract infection(ARTI) in Lanzhou city from 2017 to 2018, and to provide clinical basis for the diagnosis and prevention of ARTI in children.
Methods: A total of 188 pharyngeal swabs of children with ARTI were collected from outpatient department, whichmeet the inclusion criteria, in Lanzhou University Second Hospital from October 2017 to September 2018. Capillary electrophoresiswas used to detect Influenza virus(IFV)A and B(IFVA, IFVB), respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)A and B(RSVA, RSVB), parainfluenza virus (PIV)1.4(PIV1.4), adenovirus(ADV), human metapneumonia virus(HMPV), human bocavirus(HBoV), rhinovirus/human enterovirus(HRV/HEV), and human coronavirus(HCoV). 
Results: At least one kind of viruses was detected in 173 out of 188 cases, the overall positive rate was 92.02%. The positive rate of RVS was highest with a value of 34.0% (64/188), followed by IFV 30.9% (58/188), PIV 22.9% (43/188), ADV 19.1%(36/188), HRV/HEV 10.6%(20/188), HCoV 7.4%(14/188), HBoV 3.2%(6/188)and HMPV 2.1%(4/188). There were 44 cases(23.4%) of mixed infectionof two or more kinds of viruses. There was no significant seasonal difference in the positive rate of RSV, IFV and ADV, and the positive rate of PIV, HRV/HEV and HCoV was significantly increased. The positive rate of respiratory virus in children under 1 year old was the highest, reaching 100.0%. 
Conclusion: Child ARTI in Lanzhou city from October 2017 to September 2018 are mainly caused by RSV, IFV, PIV and ADV, and should be controlled through the whole year. Virus infection is the main pathogen at early stages of child ARTI under 1 year old, and the routine use of antimicrobial agents is not appropriate.

Key words: Acute respiratory infection, Viruses, Lanzhou city, Children