ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 178-181.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2023-04-25 上线日期:2023-11-22

Pediatric perspiration syndrome is treated from kidney 

  • Published:2023-04-25 Online:2023-11-22

摘要: 小儿汗证往往虚实并见、自汗盗汗同在,常以五脏论治。肾主水、主蛰是肾调节汗液代谢的生理基础。小儿形气未充,肾精不足,宜幼时培补。治肾是治疗虚性汗证的根本,肾阴虚者,滋养肾阴,泻火除热。肾阳虚者,温补肾阳,纳气止汗。各类汗证在辨证论治基础上可兼顾肾气,温肾摄津。

关键词: 小儿汗证, 肾, 六味地黄丸

Abstract: Pediatric perspiration syndrome often has deficiency syndrome and excess syndrome at the same time, and there is co-existence of self-sweating and night sweating. Kidney mainly regulates water and stores essence, which is the physiological basis for the regulation of sweating metabolism through kidney. Children are insufficient in the development of qi and renal function, so it is better to have supplementation at a young age. Treatment based on kidney is the root for treatment of perspiration syndrome with insufficiency. The children who are deficient in kidney-yin should be given nourishment of kidney-yin to purge fire and eliminate heat. The children who are deficient in kidney-yang should receive mild supplementation of kidney-yang to absorb qi and stop sweating. The treatment for various kinds of perspiration syndrome should take kidney-qi into account on the basis of differential treatment, warming kidney and absorbing fluid.

Key words:

Pediatric perspiration syndrome, Kidney, Liuwei Dihuang pills