ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (2): 181-185.

• 小儿中药应用研究 • 上一篇    



  • 出版日期:2023-04-25 上线日期:2023-11-22

Analysis of medication rules of traditional Chinese medicine for children with recurrent respiratory tract infection based on data mining

  • Published:2023-04-25 Online:2023-11-22

摘要: 目的 统计治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染的中药使用情况,探索中药使用规律。方法 运用Excel软件统计中国知网、万方数据库、维普网、PubMed四个数据库中自建库至2022年4月的中药复方治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染的文献,并借助IBM SPSS Modeler、IBM SPSS Statistics软件集成的关联规则及聚类等分析方法进行数据挖掘分析。结果 共筛选出113份处方,涉及中药144味,单味药频次最高的为白术。药物以寒性和甘味为主,多归肺经。置信度最高的二项、三项关联为黄芪-白术及黄芪-白术-防风。通过聚类分析,当高频中药聚为3类时,可以得到5个中药处方。结论 中医治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染以益气健脾、补肺解表为基本治疗方法,佐以理气、消食等法。本研究提炼出人参五味子汤、桂枝汤、保和丸、玉屏风散及参苓白术散5个方剂治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染。

关键词: 反复呼吸道感染, 用药规律, 数据挖掘

Abstract: ObjectiveTo count the use of Chinese medicine in the treatment of children with recurrent respiratory tract infection in children and to explore the medication rules.MethodsUsing Excel software, the literatures on TCM compound treatment for children with recurrent respiratory tract infection were collected from CNKI,Wanfang Database,Vipnet and PubMed from the inception to Apr. 2022.The data mining analysis was carried out with the help of association rules and clustering analysis methods integrated by IBM SPSS Modeler and IBM SPSS Statistics. ResultsA total of 113 prescriptions were included, involving 144 kinds of TCM. The single medicine with the highest frequency was Atractylodes macrocephala. The medicines were mostly cold and sweet in nature, and functioned through lung meridian. The two and three associations with high confidence were astragalus-atractylodes and astragalus-atractylodes-windproof. Based on cluster analysis, when the high-frequency TCM was clustered into three categories, five TCM prescriptions could be obtained.ConclusionAt present, traditional Chinese medicine is used as basic treatment for children with recurrent respiratory tract infection by invigorating qi, tonifying the spleen, nourishing the lungs and relieving the external symptoms supplemented by regulating qi and digesting food and other foods. In this study, five prescriptions were obtained, including Ginseng-schisandra decoction, Guizhi decoction, Baohe pill, Yupingfeng powder and Shenling Baizhu powder.

Key words:

Recurrent respiratory tract infection, Drug use rules, Data mining