ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (1): 7-10.

• 儿童抽动障碍康复专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2023-02-25 上线日期:2023-11-22

Experience of Professor Chen Baogui in treating children with Tourette syndrome

  • Published:2023-02-25 Online:2023-11-22

摘要: 小儿抽动障碍又称抽动-秽语综合征,是目前临床上常见的儿童行为障碍性疾患;以面部、四肢及躯干肌肉不自主抽动伴喉部异常发音及污言秽语为特征的综合证候群。中医学中无明确小儿抽动障碍病名记载,根据其临床表现将其归于慢惊风、肝风等范畴。首届全国名中医陈宝贵教授为张锡纯中西医汇通学派第三代传人,从医五十余载,学验俱丰,对于小儿抽动障碍治疗有独到见解。陈教授认为其病因归咎为“先天不足,后天失养”、“外邪克肺,引动肝风”、“脾虚生痰,肝风内动”、“心肝火旺,神气怯弱”。病位主要在肝脾,与心肺肾密切相关。治疗上总以“脾胃为本,五脏调神为药”之准则,施以滋肾养肝,温脾强志;补益肺气,疏风柔肝;扶脾柔肝,化痰息风;清肝泻心,清热安神。同时针药合用,开心解郁。

关键词: 抽动障碍, 中医疗法, 儿童

Abstract: Tourette's syndrome, also called tic disorder, is a common pediatric behavioral disorder in clinical practice, which is characterized by involuntary muscle twitching of the face,limbs and trunk,accompanied by abnormal laryngeal articulation and foul language. There is no clear record of Tourette syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is classified into the category of slow and shocked wind and liver wind according to its clinical manifestations. As one of the first national famous Chinese physicians,Professor Chen Baogui is the third generation of successor to the integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine school, which was established by Zhang Xichun. Professor Chen is very knowledgeable and experienced with more than 50 years of medical experience, and has unique views on the treatment of Tourette's syndrome. Prof. Chen thinks that its etiology can be summarized as "inherent weaknesses and acquired dysplasia","pathogenic factor harming lung and stimulating liver wind","spleen deficiency generating phlegm and inducing liver wind","blazing of heart-liver fires resulting in spiritual timidness". The lesion is mainly in the liver and spleen,and is closely related to the heart,lung and kidney. The treatment is generally based on the principle of "protecting the spleen and stomach and regulating the five viscera",including nourishing the liver,kidney and spleen,tonifying lung and softening liver wind,invigorating spleen and soothing liver,clearing the fire from liver and heart, and clearing heat and sedating. Acupuncture treatment is combined with medication to relieve depression at same time.

Key words:

Tourette syndrome, Traditional Chinese medicine treatment, Children