ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (6): 529-531.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-12-25 上线日期:2023-11-23

Treatment forviral pneumonia in children based on Luomai-Xuanweifu theory

  • Published:2022-12-25 Online:2023-11-23

摘要: 病毒性肺炎是指由病毒感染所致的肺实质和(或)肺间质部位的急性炎症,尤其是进入21世纪,呼吸道新发病毒,如严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒、新型冠状病毒(nCoV)引起的病毒性肺炎已成为人类面临的全球性公共健康问题,多数病原无特异性治疗,中医药因其个体化辨证施治在防治儿童病毒性肺炎方面有一定的优势及特色,本文以络脉-玄微府理论为指导对儿童病毒性肺炎的病机及治法进行探讨,首先通过对古今文献的挖掘对络脉-玄微府理论进行溯源,其次从现代医学角度对肺络脉-玄微府进行诠释,结合病毒性肺炎的发病机制及病理表现提出络阻玄闭为病毒性肺炎的病机关键,最后总结出通络开玄的治疗方法,以期为临床提供指导。

关键词: 病毒性肺炎, 络脉, 玄微府

Abstract: Viral pneumonia is an acute inflammation caused by a viral infection in lung parenchyma and(or) interstitial lung.Especially, in the 21st century,the viral pneumonia induced by new respiratory viruses, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS) coronavirus and new coronavirus(nCoV) has become a global public health problem facing humans.Most pathogens have no specific treatment.Traditional Chinese medicine has certain advantages and characteristics in preventing and treating childhood viral pneumonia because of its individualized syndrome differentiation. This article uses the Luomai-Xuanweifu theory as a guide to explore the pathogenesis and treatment of viral pneumonia in children. First, the origin of the Luomai-Xuanweifu theory is traced by mining the ancient and modern literature. Secondly, the interpretation of Luomai-Xuanweifu theory is made from the perspective of modern medicine.Based on the pathogenesis and pathological manifestations of viral pneumonia,it is proposed that obstruction of Luo and closure of Xuan is the key to the pathogenesis of viral pneumonia.Finally the treatment method of Tongluo Kaixuan is summarized, which is expected to provide clinical guidance.

Key words:

Viral pneumonia, Luomai, Xuanweifu