ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (5): 444-447.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-10-25 上线日期:2023-11-24

Discussion on relationship between lung and spleen by Professor Jia Liujin and his experience in the treatment of pediatric diseases based on co-regulation of lung and spleen

  • Published:2022-10-25 Online:2023-11-24

摘要: 培土生金属于中医常用治法之一,从肺论治脾胃病同样亦是重要的临床思路之一,“肺脾同调”具有切实的临床意义。文章试从中医基础理论及小儿“肺常不足、脾常不足”的生理、病理特点出发,分别以贾六金教授提出的经络相连、共同生理病理特点、五行相关、气的生成与输布、与卫气的关系、水液代谢、与痰饮的关系、形寒寒饮伤肺又伤脾、现代解剖学关系九大因素为切入点,对关于“肺脾同调”的理论依据作一综述。并在“肺脾同调”的理论基础上,从论治未病、论治外感疾病、论治内伤杂病三大方面总结贾六金教授的临床运用经验,同时举以一则病案为佐证。最后结合现代医学,从神经学、免疫学等角度对肺脾关系进行阐述与探讨,探寻“肺脾同调”理论与现代医学中呼吸系统疾病和脾胃系统疾病在临床表现、发病机制等方面存在的共通之处。正确理解“肺脾同调”理论并在儿科的临床实践中注重肺脾同调,对提高儿科诊治疗效具有非常重要的作用。

关键词: 肺脾同调, 九大因素, 临床运用, 贾六金

Abstract: Reinforcing earth to generate metal is a way of treatment commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).It is also one of the important clinical ideas to treat spleen and stomach diseases based on lung,so the co-regulation of lung and spleen is of practical clinical significance.Based on the TCM basic theories and the pathophysiological characteristics of "usual insufficiency of lung and spleen" in children,this article reviews the theoretical evidence on "co-regulation of lung and spleen",taking the nine factors suggested by Prof.Jia Liujin as the points of discussion,including connection among meridians,the common pathophysiological features,relation among five elements,generation and transportation of qi,the relationship with fluid retention,and the relationship of modern anatomy.Based on the theory of "co-regulation of lung and spleen",Prof.Jia Liujin′s clinical experience was summarized in three aspects:prevention of diseases,treatment for exogenous diseases and treatment for internal diseases,with one case as an example.Finally,in combination with modern medicine,the relationship between lung and spleen is explored from neurological and immunological points to find the common aspects in clinical manifestation and pathogenesis between the theory of "co-regulation of lung and spleen" and the respiratory and gastrosplenal diseases in modern medicine.The correct understanding of the theory of "co-regulation of lung and spleen" and attention to the co-regulation of lung and spleen in pediatric clinical practice will play a very important role in improving the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric diseases.

Key words:

Co-regulation of lung and spleen, Nine factors, Clinical application, Jia Liujin