ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 292-295.

• 学术探讨 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-08-25 上线日期:2023-11-29

Treatment for daytime frequent urination syndrome in children based on "one-breath circulation"JI Cong

  • Published:2022-08-25 Online:2023-11-29

摘要: 白天尿频综合征是小儿常见的疾病之一,以日间小便次数显著增多为特征,无发热、尿痛等不适,现代医学认为该病的发生可能与儿童中枢神经发育尚未成熟相关,精神紧张是重要诱发因素。治疗以缓解尿频为主,多使用胆碱能受体拮抗剂,停药易复发,副作用较大。此外,白天尿频综合征临床常被误诊为尿路感染,导致抗生素滥用。中医药治疗该病疗效肯定。黄元御是清代名医之一,“一气周流”是其主要学术思想,理论重点强调中气升降在人体的核心地位,生理方面,脾升胃降,则木火升浮,金水敛降,水火相交,阴阳调和;病理上,若气行逆乱,疾病丛生。基于该理论,白天尿频综合征的发病与土虚、木郁、水寒相关,中土虚衰津液运转无力,左路木郁则津液不行,右路水寒则津液气化无权,其中中阳虚衰为病机根本。故应从补中土、疏肝木、暖肾水着手治疗,施以温补中土、调畅肝气、温肾固摄之法,恢复“一气”之周流,则“水精四布,五经并行”,人体津液调和,尿频自愈。


Abstract: Daytime frequent urination syndrome is one of the common diseases in children,which is characterized by a significant increase in the requency of urination during the day,without fever,pain or other discomfort.Modern medicine believes that the occurrence of the disease may be related to the immature development of the central nervous system in children.Mental tension is an important inducing factor.The main treatment is to alleviate the frequency of urination,and cholinergic receptor antagonists are often used.Relapse often occurs after drug withdrawal and there are many side effects.In addition,daytime frequent urination syndrome is often misdiagnosed as urinary tract infection,resulting in the abuse of antibiotics.Traditional Chinese medicine is effective in the treatment of the disease.Huang Yuanyu was one of the famous doctors in Qing dynasty,whose main academic thought is "circulation of one qi".The theory emphasizes that the rise and fall of middle qi is in the core position of the human body,and in physiology,spleen ascending and stomach falling results in wood fire rising and floating,gold water converging and falling,water and fire intersecting and yin and yang harmonizing;pathologically,if qi is in disorder,diseases will arise.Based on this theory,the incidence of daytime frequent urination syndrome is related to earth deficiency,wood depression and water coldness.The movement of body fluid is weak due to the deficiency of middle earth;the body fluid doesn′t circulate actively because of wood depression in the left side;the body fluid can′t be transformed due to water coldness in the right side;the deficiency and decline of middle yang is the main pathogenesis.Therefore,the principles of treatment are to warm middle earth,regulate liver,and warm Kidney to recover the circulation of one qi so that the body fluid moves in harmony and frequent urination is cured.

Key words:

Daytime frequent urination syndrome, One-qi circulation, Huang Yuanyu