ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 361-364.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-08-25 上线日期:2023-11-29

Professor Zheng Jian's treatment for primary nephrotic syndrome in children based on "kidney governing deficiency

  • Published:2022-08-25 Online:2023-11-29

摘要: 原发性肾病综合征(PNS)是小儿常见的肾系疾病之一,传统单纯西医治疗存在诸多不足与弊端,近年来中西医结合治疗成果颇丰,笔者通过分析总结郑健教授治疗小儿PNS临床经验,以期为儿童肾病的临床治疗提供思路。自宋代钱乙提出“肾主虚,无实”思想以来,肾无实证之风于历代医家中盛行不衰,然肾实证在古代医籍中的记载早已有之,在《黄帝内经》《金匮要略》《脉经》等著作中均不乏见论,郑健教授认为钱氏之观点多可解为“肾多主虚,亦有实证”之意。基于此思想,郑教授总结小儿PNS中医病机主要是以肾虚为本,但在病程中,亦可有因风邪、瘀血、湿热等邪致实的症候表现,又因本病在临床上常具有本虚标实、虚实夹杂、病情反复、迁延难愈等特点,临证时需要以病程分期来辨肾病之虚实主次,治疗上主以顾护肾虚的同时,又要兼顾祛风、除湿、清热、化瘀等,可以益肺、健脾、温肾、清肝、扶正降浊等法来调理诸脏阴阳,郑教授从医30余年,运用此法于治疗小儿PNS时每获良效,并附病案一则,以资验证。


原发性肾病综合征, 肾主虚, 儿童


Primary nephrotic syndrome(PNS) is one of the common renal diseases in children. There are many deficiencies and drawbacks in traditional western medicine treatment. In recent years, the treatment with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine has achieved fruitful results. The author analyzes and summarizes Prof. Zheng Jian's experience in the treatment of PNS in order to provide ideas for the clinical treatment of children with nephropathy. Since Qian Yi of Song Dynasty put forward the idea of "kidney governing deficiency, no excess", the style of kidney without excess has prevailed among generations of physicians. However, the kidney excess has long been recorded in ancient medical bookswhich are discussed in the works such as Inner Canon of Huangdi, Synopsis of Golder Chamber and Maijing. Professor Zheng Jian believes that Qian's views can be interpreted as "kidneys usually govern deficiency, and there is also excess". Based on this thought, Prof. Zheng concludes that the pathogenesis of pediatric PNS in traditional Chinese medicine is mainly based on kidney deficiency, but in the course of the disease, there may also be symptoms caused by wind pathogens, blood stasis, damp-heat and other pathogens. The disease often has the characteristics of deficiency in root and excess in appearance, mixed deficiency with excess, repeated occurrence, protraction and difficulty in healing,etc.; therefore,in the clinical diagnosis, it is necessary to distinguish between the primary and secondary and between deficiency and excess of kidney disease according to the course of the disease. In the treatment, while dealing with the kidney deficiency, it's necessary to eliminate wind, remove dampness, clear heat and remove blood stasis, etc., which can benefit the lungs, strengthen the spleen, warm the kidneys, clear the liver, strengthen the body and reduce turbidity to regulate the yin and yang of various internal organs. Professor Zheng has been a doctor for more than 30 years, and he has been using this method in the treatment of children with PNS, which has great effects. A medical record is attached for verification.

Key words:

Primary nephrotic syndrome, Kidney governing deficiency, Children