ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 257-260.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-06-25 上线日期:2023-12-01

Discussion on the treatment for childhood obesity from the view of spleen governing transportation and transformation

  • Published:2022-06-25 Online:2023-12-01

摘要: 本文以脾主运化为理论基础,分析脾主运化与儿童肥胖的关系,脾失健运、痰浊湿邪内盛是其主要病机。从中医病因病机阐述肥胖治脾的重要性,并结合现代肥胖的研究,分析脾失运化与肠道菌群、线粒体功能、脂肪代谢的相关性,揭示儿童肥胖的发病机制,肠道菌群失调、线粒体功能受损、脂肪代谢紊乱,则短链脂肪酸合成减少,物质能量代谢紊乱,骨骼肌、脂肪组织线粒体功能下降,膏脂转输障碍,脂肪异位沉积。健脾助运、健脾祛湿等中药恢复脾主运化的功能,有助于调节肠道菌群紊乱、恢复线粒体功能、促进脂肪代谢,改善肥胖,为肥胖从脾主运化角度的临床防治开拓新思路。


肥胖, 脾主运化, 肠道菌群, 能量代谢


Based on the theory of spleen governing transportation and transformation, this paper analyzes the correlation between childhood obesity and spleen governing transportation and transformation. The main pathogenesis is in the spleen's inability to transport normally and the internal excess of sputum and dampness evils. The importance of the treatment for obesity by managing spleen is described according to the etiology and pathogenesis of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), and based on the modern researches on obesity, the relationship of spleen's inability to transport normally with intestinal microflora, mitochondria function and fat metabolism is analyzed to discover the pathogenesis of childhood obesity. The imbalance of intestinal microflora, the damaged function of mitochondria and the disorder of fat metabolism lead to the decreased synthesis of short-chain fatty acids, the disorder of material energy metabolism, the weakened mitochondria function of bone muscle and adipose tissue, the dysfunction of fat transportation and the ectopic fat deposition. The Chinese medicines to invigorate spleen, help transportation and remove dampness can recover the spleen's function in governing transportation and transformation, which helps to regulate the dysfunction of intestinal microflora, recover the function of mitochondria, promote fat metabolism and improve obesity, hence providing new lines of thinking in the clinical prevention and treatment of childhood obesity based on the theory of spleen governing transportation and transformation.

Key words:

Obesity, Spleen governing transportation and transformation, Intestinal microflora, Energy metabolism