ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 178-181.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-04-25 上线日期:2023-12-01

Study on the correlation between spleen-stomach theory and gastrointestinal hormones in children

  • Published:2022-04-25 Online:2023-12-01

摘要: 小儿脾胃学说经过历代医家不断完善,从生理、病理方面阐述了小儿脾胃的特点,形成了一套较为系统的理论,对于儿科临床工作具有重要指导作用。小儿先天“脾常不足”,家长错误的喂养、调护方式会加重脾胃失调,导致小儿脾胃虚弱相关疾病的发生。脾胃虚弱,脾失健运与小儿功能性胃肠疾病密切相关,胃肠激素分泌紊乱是功能性胃肠疾病的病理生理学基础之一,因此从胃肠激素角度探讨小儿脾胃虚弱相关疾病,理解小儿脾胃学说与胃肠激素的关系,不仅为小儿脾胃学说提供更多现代医学证据,对于拓宽小儿疾病治疗思路也具有重要意义。


功能性胃肠病, 小儿脾胃学说, 胃肠激素, 脾胃虚弱


The spleen-stomach theory in children has been continuously improved by generations of doctors. The characteristics of spleen and stomach in children have been elaborated from physiological and pathological aspects, and a systematic theory has been formed, which plays an important role in guiding the pediatric clinical practice. Children usually have congenital insufficiency of spleen function, and parents' wrong ways of feeding and care will aggravate the spleen and stomach disorders, which leads to the occurrence of diseases related to spleen and stomach weakness. The weakness of stomach and spleen as well as the loss of normal spleen function is closely related to the pediatric functional gastrointestinal diseases. The secretion disorder of gastrointestinal hormones is one of the pathophysiological basis of functional gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, it not only provides more modern medical evidence for spleen-stomach theory in children but also is of great significance for broadening the treatment thoughts for childhood diseases to study the childhood diseases related to spleen and stomach weakness based on gastrointestinal hormone secretion and to understand the correlation between spleen-stomach theory and gastrointestinal hormones

Key words:

Functional gastrointestinal diseases, Spleen-stomach theory in children, Gastrointestinal hormones, Weakness of spleen and stomach