ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2022, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 86-89.

• 小儿中药应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-02-25 上线日期:2023-12-05

An example of drugs pairs commonly used by Professor Jia Liujin in the treatment of pediatric spleen and stomach diseases

  • Published:2022-02-25 Online:2023-12-05

摘要: 对药是中药配伍中的最小单位,组成简单,但具备中药配伍的基本特点,同时也是中医传统经验证明了的优化组合。全国首届名中医贾六金教授,强调辨证,提倡组合思维,临床善用组方对药,本文重点介绍贾六金教授儿科脾胃病部分常用对药——枳实与白术,苍术与白术,砂仁与白豆蔻,焦三仙与莱菔子,草果与干姜,体现消补并用,补运结合,温散相伍等特点,使脾胃纳运、升降、燥湿功能恢复正常,可治疗厌食、积滞、腹痛、疳证、呕吐、泄泻、癖积等病证。治疗中方随法立,药随法出,见效亦著。其学术经验值得吾辈继承总结,以更好发挥中医药特色,提高临床疗效,增强中医药文化自信。

关键词: 脾胃病, 对药, 贾六金, 儿科

Abstract: As the smallest unit in the compatibility of traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM),drug pair is simple in composition,but it has the basic characteristics of TCM compatibility,and it is also the optimized combination proved by TCM traditional experience.Professor Jia Liujin,one of the first famous Chinese medicine professors in China,emphasizes on syndrome differentiation,promotes combinatorial thinking,and has made good use of combined prescriptions and drug pairs in clinical practice.This article focuses on some drug pairs commonly used by Prof.Jia Liujin in pediatric spleen and stomach diseases:Fructus aurantii and Atractyoldes macrocephalae,Rhizoma atractylodis and Atractylodes macrocephalae,Fructus amomi and Amomum melegueta,Jiao San Xian and Semen raphani,Cao Guo and dried ginger,embodying the characteristics of eliminating and reinforcing,combining tonification with transportation,mixing warming with dispersing,and so on,so that the function of spleen and stomach can be recovered:including taking in and transporting,increasing and decreasing and drying wetness.It can be used to treat anorexia,indigestion,abdominal pain,malnutrition,vomiting and diarrhea.During the treatment,the prescription is made according to the principle and the drugs are used based on the principle,and the effect is significant.The professor′s experience deserves to be summarized and inherited by us in order to give full play to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine,improve clinical efficacy,and enhance the cultural confidence of traditional Chinese medicine.

Key words:

Spleen and stomach disease, Drug pair, Jia Liujin, Pediatrics