ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6): 468-470.

• 中医名家专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-12-25 上线日期:2023-12-06

Analysis of professor Zhao Kun's experience in treating bronchopneumonia in children

  • Published:2019-12-25 Online:2023-12-06

摘要: 支气管肺炎是儿童呼吸系统常见病,属祖国医学肺炎喘嗽范畴,赵坤教授治疗本病有丰富的临床经验。治疗上初期从表论治,治以宣肺气、止咳平喘为法;中期从痰及毒论治,治以清肺解毒化痰、泻肺开闭平喘为法;恢复期则从虚论治,治以养阴清热,补气健脾,温阳散寒为法;病久从瘀论治,治以活血化瘀为法。对于选方用药,导师赵坤教授也针对本病上诉不同阶段有独到的见解,并取得了良好的临床疗效。


支气管肺炎, 经验, 赵坤, 儿童


Bronchopneumonia is a common respiratory disease in children. It belongs to the category of pneumonia and wheezing in traditional Chinese medicine. Professor Zhao Kun has rich clinical experience in treating this disease. In the early stage of treatment, the treatment should focus on superficial symptoms, so promoting lung qi and relieving cough and asthma are the main points; in the middle stage, the treatment should focus on phlegm and toxin, which is to clear lung, remove toxin and phlegm and relieve lung and asthma; in the recovery stage, the treatment should focus on deficiency, which is to nourish yin and clear heat, supplement qi and invigorate spleen, and warm yang and disperse coldness; in the long term, the treatment should focus on blood stasis, to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Professor Zhao Kun, the tutor, also has unique opinions on the prescriptions for different stages of the disease, which has achieved good clinical efficacy.

Key words:

Bronchopneumonia, Experience, Zhao KunChildren