ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6): 471-474.

• 中医名家专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-12-25 上线日期:2023-12-06

Professor Li Yingcun's experience in using Dunhuang Children's Cold Dysentery Prescription in treating children's dysentery of deficiency-cold type

  • Published:2019-12-25 Online:2023-12-06

摘要: 李应存教授为国内研究敦煌汉文医药文献的著名专家,国家中医药管理局十二五重点建设学科敦煌医学学科带头人,甘肃中医药大学基础医学院副院长,长期从事中医药临床工作,善于挖掘古籍,潜心研究,深入思考,探索现代疾病发生之根本,经验丰富,尤其擅用敦煌古医方灵活化裁治疗内科疾病,并取得了显著的疗效。笔者有幸成为李应存教授学术经验继承人,受益良多,现将其运用孩儿冷痢方治疗小儿虚寒型下痢加以整理介绍如下。


下痢, 敦煌医方, 孩儿冷痢方, 李应存, 名医经验, 儿童


Professor Li Yingcun is a well-known expert in the study of Chinese medical literature in Dunhuangthe leader of Dunhuang medical discipline in the 12th Five-Year Plan of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicineand the vice-president of the Basic Medical College of Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has been engaged in clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine for a long time. He is good at excavating ancient booksdevoting himself to researchthinking deeply and exploring the root causes of the development of modern diseases ,and he has rich experience. EspeciallyProf. Li is good at using Dunhuang ancient medical prescriptions to treat medical diseases flexiblyand has achieved remarkable effects. It is my honor to be the successor of Professor Li Yingcun's academic experienceand has benefited a lot. Now I will introduce Prof. Li's experience in using Child Cold Dysentery Prescription in the treatment of infantile diarrhea of deficiency-cold type.

Key words:

DysenteryDunhuang prescriptionPediatric Cold Dysentery PrescriptionLi YingcunExperience of famous doctors, Child