ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6): 534-539.

• 儿童用药栏目 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2019-12-25 上线日期:2023-12-06

Study on the rule of medication in traditional Chinese medicine treatment for tic disorder based on literature analysis

  • Published:2019-12-25 Online:2023-12-06

摘要: 目的分析探讨中药治疗儿童抽动障碍的处方规律及中医治法,为临床治疗提供依据。方法运用主题词检索方法,检索2009年1月至2019年1月在中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、重庆维普数据库公开发表的有关中医药、中西医结合治疗儿童抽动障碍的临床研究类文献,下载并阅读全文,对筛选出文献中的药物、方剂和名词术语进行规范,提取篇名、发表年代、方剂、中药等相关信息,运用Excel软件进行频数分析、SPSS 20.0软件进行聚类分析。结果本次文献研究共入选128篇文献,共收集处方131个,涉及药物160种,使用频率较高的中药依次为白芍、柴胡、钩藤、甘草、僵蚕、天麻、茯苓;根据药物功效进行归类统计,平肝熄风药、补虚药应用最多,其次为解表药和清热药。聚类分析得到8组常用药对和4组药串组合,药对为天麻、钩藤;石菖蒲、远志;白芍、炙甘草;胆南星、天竹黄;龙骨、牡蛎;枳实、竹茹。药串组合为陈皮、半夏、茯苓;生地、龟板、地龙;僵蚕、蝉蜕、全蝎;熟地黄、山药。结论抽动障碍是以肝风内动主要病机,痰热、阴虚、外风皆与抽动障碍形成密切相关。治疗上以平肝熄风为主要途径,兼以滋阴养血,疏风解表。


抽动障碍, 中药治疗, 中药功效, 聚类分析, 儿童


ObjectiveTo analyze the prescription rule and TCM treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of children with tic disorder, and to provide evidence for clinical treatment.MethodsUsing the keyword search method, the clinical research literature on the treatment with Chinese medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine for children with tic disorder published from January 2009 to January 2019 in the Chinese Academic Journal Full-text Database(CNKI) and Chongqing Weipu Database was searched. Download and read the full text, standardize the drugs, prescriptions and terminology in the literature, and extract the relevant information such as the title, publication date, prescription and Chinese medicine, etc.. Excel software was used for frequency analysis and SPSS 20.0 software was used for cluster analysis.ResultsA total of 128 articles were selected in this literature study. A total of 131 prescriptions were collected, involving 160 kinds of drugs. The Chinese medicines with higher frequency of use were debark peony root, Chinese thorowax root, gambir plant nod, liquorice root, stiff silkworm, tall gastrodia tuber, and Indian bread. The efficacy of the drugs was classified and counted. The drugs for calming liver wind and reinforcing deficiency were the most widely used, followed by the drugs for relieving exterior syndrome and clearing heat. Cluster analysis revealed 8 pairs of commonly used drugs and 4 groups of medicines. The drug pairs were tall gastrodia tuber and gambir plant nod, grassleaf sweetflag rhizome and milkwort root, debark peony root and Zhigancao, bile arisaema and tabasheer, bone fossil of big mammals and oyster shell, and immature orange fruit and bamboo shavings. The medicine groups were: dried tangerine peel, pinellia tuber and Indian bread; habitat, turtle shell and earthworm; stiff silkworm, cicada slough and scorpion; prepared rehmannia root and common yam rhizome.ConclusionThe change of liver wind inside the body is the main pathgenesis of tic disorder, and sputum heat, Yin-deficiency and external wind are closely related to the development of tic disorder. The treatment is mainly through calming liver wind, assisted by nourishing Yin and blood and relieving wind and exterior syndrome. 

Key words:

Tic disorder, Traditional Chinese medicine treatment, Efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, Cluster analysis, Children