ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 500-503.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2023-12-25 上线日期:2024-03-06

Professor Wang Xuefeng′s treatment for children with asthma of pneumonia from lungs and intestines based on the theory of "To treat diseases of Zang through managing Fu"

  • Published:2023-12-25 Online:2024-03-06

摘要: 小儿形气未充,卫外功能较弱,外邪入侵,当先犯肺,同时肺为清虚之体不耐寒热,清虚而易伤,易迁延难愈。《素问·通评虚实论》指出“五脏不平,六腑闭塞之所生也”,本文对王雪峰教授从脏病治腑论治肺炎喘嗽经验进行整理,首先从脏腑的生理病理关系阐释脏病治腑理论渊源,根据小儿的生理病理特点,探讨在肺炎喘嗽发生发展过程中肺移热于大肠为脏病治腑的病机关键,再结合现代研究对脏病治腑理论可行性进一步诠释,总结出宜采用釜底抽薪为基本治则,治疗应开肺化痰、止咳平喘,根据患儿大便情况,佐以通腑法,保持小儿大便通畅,给邪以出路。通过脏病治腑的方法达到通腑安脏,缩短病程,提高疗效,防止疾病重症化的目的。并附病案一则,以资验证。

关键词: 肺炎喘嗽, 脏病治腑, 釜底抽薪, 小儿

Abstract: Children are not fully developed in physical shape and qi,and their defence function is weak.When the exogenous evil invades,the lungs are the first to be attacked. Lungs are very likely to be affected by cold or heat,so they are easily damaged and the damage may linger and it is difficult to be managed.Comprehensive Theory on Deficiency and Excess of Essential Questions states that "The diseases of five Zang result from the blocking of six Fu".This article combs Prof.Wang Xuefeng′s experience in treating asthma of pneumonia based on the theory of "To treat diseases of Zang through managing Fu". First,the origin of the theory of "To treat diseases of Zang through managing Fu"(the Theory) is elaborated form the association between physiology and pathology of Zang and those of Fu.Then,based on the pathophysiological features of children,the pathogenic key to the Theory in the development of asthma of pneumonia is that the heat in lungs spreads to the large intestine.Finally,the treatment principles are summarized by further explaining the feasibility of the Theory based on modern researches.The basic principle in the treatment is "Taking away the firewood from under the cauldron",meaning to treat the diseases by managing the root causes,that is,to clear lungs and phlegm and to stop cough and asthma.According to the stool of children,the children′s bowel movement is kept smooth by unblocking Fu in order to expel the evil.By way of treating the diseases of Zang through managing Fu,the Zang and Fu are in good state,the disease course is shortened,and the therapeutic effect is improved,in which way the diseases are prevented form becoming critical.Here a case is provided for verification.

Key words:

Asthma of pneumonia, Treating diseases of Zang through managing Fu, Taking away firewood from under the cauldron, Child