ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2023, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (6): 527-531.

• 小儿中药应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2023-12-25 上线日期:2024-03-06

Study on the medication rules of insect medicine compound in the treatment of children with tic disorder

  • Published:2023-12-25 Online:2024-03-06

摘要: 目的 探究应用虫类药复方治疗儿童抽动障碍的用药规律。方法 通过全面收集整理中国知网、万方两大数据库中医药治疗儿童抽动障碍的虫类药复方,利用“中医传承辅助平台”,挖掘分析应用虫类药复方治疗儿童抽动障碍的用药规律。结果 本研究筛选到虫类药复方134首,涉及中药173味;其中虫类药17味,累计应用357次,僵蚕、全蝎、蝉蜕、龙骨等在虫类药中应用频率较高;复方中平肝息风、补虚、解表、清热、化痰止咳平喘5类药物的配伍频率最高,占总应用的69.86%(1 217/1 742);复方中药物药性为寒、平、温者累计90.47%(1 576/1 742);药味为甘、辛、苦者占82.55%(2 072/2 510);归肝、脾、肺经者占53.96%(2 214/4 103)。结论 应用虫类药复方治疗儿童抽动障碍常配伍平肝息风、补虚、解表、清热、化痰止咳平喘5类药物,中药药性多寒、平、温,药味以甘、辛、苦为主,多归肝、脾、肺三经。应用虫类药复方治疗儿童抽动障碍,充分发挥虫类药疏络搜风、豁痰平肝、息风止动等作用优势,平肝息风、疏利痰火、补脾益肾、活血化瘀,同时重视调理全身气机,是中医药在儿童抽动障碍临床的特色所在。

关键词: 抽动障碍, 虫类药, 用药规律, 中医药

Abstract: ObjectiveTo explore the medication rules or insect medicine compound in the treatment of children with tic disorder (TD).MethodsBy comprehensively collecting and sorting out the insect compound prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of children's TD in CNKI and Wanfang databases, and using the Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Support Platform, the medication rules of insect medicine compound in the treatment of children's TD were mined and analyzed.ResultsIn this study, 134 insect compound prescriptions were screened, involving 173 traditional Chinese medicines. Among them, there were 17 kinds of insect drugs, with a total of 357 times of application. Bombyx batryticatus, scorpion, cicada slough and keel were used more frequently in insect drugs. In the compound, the compatibility frequency of five kinds of drugs was the highest, involving the drugs calming liver and stopping wind, tonifying deficiency, relieving exterior symptoms, clearing heat, resolving phlegm and relieving cough and asthma, accounting for 69.86%(1 217/1 742) of the total application. The drug properties of the compound Chinese medicine were cold, neutral and warm, accounting for 90.47% (1 576/1 742). The drugs of sweet, pungent and bitter flavor accounted for 82.55%(2 072/2 510). The drugs functioning through liver, spleen and lung meridians accounted for 53.96%(2 214/4 103). ConclusionThe application of insect medicine compound in the treatment of TD in children can give full play to the advantages of insect medicines, such as dredging collaterals and searching wind, eliminating phlegm and calming liver and stopping wind and movement, in order to calm liver and stop wind, remove phlegm and fire, tonify spleen and kidney, and promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, while paying attention to regulating qi movement of the whole body. All of these are the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine in the clinical treatment of TD in children.

Key words:

Tic disorder, Insect drugs, Medication rules, Chinese medicine