ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (1): 12-15.

• 儿童功能性便秘康复专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-02-25 上线日期:2024-03-13

Exploring the differentiated treatment for functional constipation in children based on the "Harmony Method"

  • Published:2024-02-25 Online:2024-03-13

摘要: 小儿功能性便秘是儿科常见疾病之一,本研究旨在探讨该病的中医治疗思路,以“和法”为核心理论框架。首先,追溯“和”法的历史渊源和理论内涵,深入阐述了其核心概念及应用背景。其次,认为“气机失和,传导失司”为本病的核心病机,着重强调气机与大肠之间相互联系。并进一步深入探讨了治疗该病的原则,提出了“祛邪扶正,和调气机,通达肠腑”为治疗策略的核心,包括内外协调、脏腑平衡、津液维护、情志调节和饮食安排等方面。本研究拓展了儿童功能性便秘治疗的理论视野,突显了中医传统理论在处理小儿消化问题中的关键地位,有望为改善儿童功能性便秘提供有益的指导。

关键词: 便秘, 和法, 气机, 辨证论治

Abstract: Functional constipation in children is one of the common diseases in pediatrics,and this study aims to explore the treatment for this disease in traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),with the "Harmony Method" as the core theoretical framework.Firstly,the historical origin and theoretical connotation of the "Harmony Method" are traced,and its core concepts and application background are elaborated in depth.Secondly,it is believed that "loss of harmony of qi and misdirection of conduction" is the core mechanism of the disease,emphasizing the interconnection between qi and the large intestine.The principles of treating this disease are further discussed in depth,and it is proposed that "eliminating evils and supporting vital qi,harmonizing the qi and regulating the qi,and communicating 

Key words:

Constipation, Harmony Method, Movement of vital energy, Syndrome differentiation and treatment