ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (1): 85-88.

• 小儿中药应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-02-25 上线日期:2024-03-13

Analysis of experience in the treatment of children with mesenteric lymphadenitis (type of deficiency and coldness of spleen and stomach)

  • Published:2024-02-25 Online:2024-03-13

摘要: 探讨孙丽平教授治疗小儿肠系膜淋巴结炎的临床经验。孙丽平教授认为小儿肠系膜淋巴结炎病位在脾胃,内因责之为小儿脾常不足,稚阳未充,外因责之为气候寒冷、过食寒凉及药物所伤,本病分为发作期与缓解期两期治疗,发作期以“软坚散结,温中止痛”为原则,宜用天术散加减,消补兼施,以消为主;缓解期以“补脾益气,温中补虚”为原则,以补为主,宜用参苓白术散加减。

关键词: 肠系膜淋巴结炎, 天术散, 孙丽平, 中医疗法, 儿童

Abstract: To discuss Professor Sun Liping's clinical experience in treating pediatric mesenteric lymphadenitis. Professor Sun Liping believes that the disease is concerned with the spleen and stomach; the internal cause is the deficiency of spleen and insufficiency of pediatric-yang, and the external cause is the injury caused by cold weather, excessive consumption of cold food and medicine. The disease is treated in two phases: the exacerbation phase and the remission phase. In the exacerbation phase, the treatment principle is to soften hard masses and resolve stagnation, and to warm the spleen and stomach and stop pain; it is advisable to use Tianzhu powder with modification to eliminate and supplement, mainly to eliminate. In the remission phase, the treatment principle is to replenish the spleen and strengthen qi, and to warm the spleen and stomach and tonify deficiency, with tonification being the mainstay; it is advisable to use Shenling Baizhu powder with modification.

Key words:

Mesenteric lymphadenitis, Tianzhu powder, Sun Liping, Traditional Chinese medicine therapy, Children