ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2): 114-118.

• 学术探讨 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-04-25 上线日期:2024-04-25

Preliminary exploration of the relationship between lung-spleen interaction and children′s allergic process based on the theory of "mother-child interaction" in the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine

  • Published:2024-04-25 Online:2024-04-25

摘要: 过敏性疾病呈逐年上升趋势,而儿童过敏性疾病占其一半,且在儿童中表现出过敏进程的现象,即从婴儿期的特应性皮炎、食物过敏到儿童期的过敏性鼻炎和哮喘的发展进程,儿童过敏进程如期而至成了业内的攻坚问题。本文简单介绍了儿童过敏进程的概念及发病机制,着重从中医五行的“母子相及”角度探讨了肺脾相及,肺卫固表、主气司呼吸,脾主运化、统津液代谢,肺、脾功能以及肺脾相互影响分别与儿童特应性皮炎、食物过敏、过敏性鼻炎及过敏性哮喘有着密切的关系,也进一步阐明了肺脾相及参与了儿童过敏进程的整个过程。目前,对于儿童过敏进程的防治还在探索阶段,现代医学多从三级预防入手,而祖国医学秉持“整体观念”“异病同治”等理念,有望从二级预防,甚至从辨识体质(肺脾气虚质)的一级预防期就对有肺脾不足初期表现的患儿进行中医药的干预,如药膳饮食、推拿按摩及中药内服等有效方法来延迟,甚至阻断儿童过敏进程的发展,本文为其提供了有力的理论依据和支持。

关键词: 过敏进程, 中医五行, 肺脾相及, 病因病机, 特应性皮炎, 食物过敏, 哮喘, 儿童

Abstract: Allergic diseases are on the rise year by year,and allergic diseases in children account for half of them; the phenomenon of allergic process in children has appeared,that is,from atopic dermatitis and food allergy in infancy to the development of allergic rhinitis and asthma in childhood,and the allergic process in children has become a key problem in this field.This article briefly introduces the concept and pathogenesis of allergic process in children,particularly discussing lung-spleen interaction from the perspective of mother-child interaction in five elements of traditional Chinese medicine.Pulmonary defense system governs breath; spleen governs transportation and transformation and regulates liquid metabolism; the function of lung and spleen and lung-spleen interaction are closely related to atopic dermatitis in children,food allergy,allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma respectively.This paper also clarifies that lung-spleen interaction participates in the whole allergic process of children.At present,the prevention and treatment of the process of childhood allergy is still in the exploratory stage,and modern medicine starts with three-stage prevention.The traditional Chinese medicine adheres to the concept of "holistic concept" and "simultaneous treatment of different diseases",which is expected to carry out traditional Chinese medicine intervention in children with initial manifestations of lung and spleen deficiency from secondary prevention or even from the primary prevention period of identification of physique(lung and spleen deficiency),such as medicated diet,massage and taking Chinese medicine orally and other effective methods,in order to delay or even block the development of children′s allergic process.This paper provides a strong theoretical basis and support.

Key words:

Allergic process, Five elements of traditional Chinese medicine, Lung-spleen interaction, Etiology and pathogenesis, Specific dermatitis, Food allergy, Asthma,  , children. ,