ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3): 243-248.

• 小儿中药应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-06-25 上线日期:2024-08-26

Investigation of the medication rules of Professor Hu Tiancheng in the treatment of children with special-constitution tic disorders

  • Published:2024-06-25 Online:2024-08-26

摘要: 目的 挖掘胡天成教授治疗特禀质抽动障碍患儿的中药处方,分析其用药规律,归纳总结其治疗思路,传承名老中医的学术思想。方法 选择2021年9月至2022年9月在四川省中医院胡天成门诊就诊的特禀质抽动障碍患儿所用方药,采用中医传承辅助平台(V3.0),多维度分析处方药物的性味归经、药物群组及核心处方等。结果 共纳入患儿131例,涉及248诊次,录入处方248张,中药125种,使用药物频次之和为2 974次。中药药性以寒、温、平性为主,五味多为辛、苦、甘,高频药物多归经于肺、肝、胃、脾,功效以解表类和平肝息风类为最多,僵蚕-蝉蜕、杏仁-厚朴为最常用药对,运用聚类分析并结合胡教授口传面授经验,得到5个新方剂组合分别为四七汤、泻黄散加味、养血息风汤、玉屏风散加味和三仁汤加味。结论 胡天成教授治疗特禀质抽动障碍以“祛外风、息内风”为核心思路,同时兼顾养血与化湿,可为抽动障碍的临床治疗提供一定参考。

关键词: 抽动障碍, 用药规律, 特禀质, 聚类分析, 儿童

Abstract: ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to examine Professor Hu Tiancheng′s traditional Chinese medicine prescription in the management of special-constitution tic disorders in pediatric patients,analyze the drug regimen employed,summarize the underlying therapeutic concepts proposed by Professor Hu,and inherit the academic ideas of renowned Chinese medicine practitioners.MethodsThe prescriptions for pediatric patients with special-constitution tic disorders who sought treatment at Hu Tiancheng Clinic of Sichuan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine between September 2021 and September 2022 were chosen for analysis.The Chinese Medicine Inheritance Aid Platform(V3.0) was employed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of the prescribed medications,drug categories,and the core prescription from various perspectives.ResultsA total of 131 children were included,with a total of 248 consultations conducted.The collected data included 248 prescriptions issued,involving 125 traditional Chinese medicines.The cumulative frequency of medicines was 2 974.Chinese medicines are primarily cold,warm,and mild in nature,and pungent,bitter,and sweet in flavor.The organs commonly involved in high frequency medicines were the lungs,liver,stomach,and spleen.These medicines were often used for relieving symptoms,calming the liver,and restraining the wind.Among Stibnosis-cicada metamorphosis and almonds-houpaku were the most frequently employed combinations.By employing cluster analysis and integrating the expertise of Professor Hu in oral and face-to-face instruction,five novel formula combinations were derived,namely,Four Seven soup,Xiehuang powder flavor,nourishing blood and restraining the wind soup,Yupingfeng powder flavor,and Sanren soup with flavor.ConclusionThe approach employed by Professor Hu Tiancheng in addressing special-constitution tic disorders focuses on the concept of "dispelling external wind and stopping internal wind", while considering the aspects of nourishing the blood and resolving dampness,which can offer valuable insights for the clinical management of tic disorders.

Key words:

Tic disorder, Medication law, Special constitution, Cluster analysis, Child