ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3): 261-264.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-06-25 上线日期:2024-08-26

Chang Ke′s experience in treating tic disorder in children based on wind,fire,phlegm,deficiency and stasis

  • Published:2024-06-25 Online:2024-08-26

摘要: 抽动障碍发病率逐年升高,病情反复且常以多发性、共患病为其临床特点。儿童抽动障碍之病因病机,虽系于外感之所为,然本乎于风火痰虚瘀耳,其病因之杂,症状之变,非一脏之所为,常多涉及五脏。常克教授从风、火、痰、虚、瘀认识儿童抽动障碍,针对其病机之要,采用常用方及自拟方进行论治,临床疗效甚好,现将其治验总结如下,并附验案一则。

关键词: 抽动障碍, 病因病机, 治疗, 儿童

Abstract: The incidence of tic disorder in children has been increasing year by year.The disease is recurrent and often characterized by multiple and comorbid diseases.Although the etiology and pathogenesis of tic disorder in children is caused by exogenous toxin,the root cause is wind,fire,phlegm,deficiency and stasis.Tic disorder has a variety of etiological causes and variable symptoms,and it is not caused by one organ alone,often involving five organs.Professor Chang Ke understands tic disorder in children from wind,fire,phlegm,deficiency and stasis.In view of its pathogenesis,he uses common and self-created prescriptions to treat it,and the clinical efficacy is very good.Now the treatment experience is summarized as follows,with a case attached.

Key words:

Tic disorder, The etiology and pathogenesis, Treatment, Child