ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3): 269-272.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-06-25 上线日期:2024-08-26

Application of Qian Yi′s academic thought of "spleen-dominating-trapped" in the diagnosis and treatment of infantile diarrhea by Professor 

  • Published:2024-06-25 Online:2024-08-26

摘要: 小儿泄泻是儿科常见多发病,腹泻迁延不愈,可以导致营养不良,并直接影响小儿生长发育,是我国卫生部列入儿科重点防治的四大疾病之一。秦艳虹教授认为小儿泄泻内因主要责之于脾常不足,导致湿邪内生,且二者相互影响,互为因果,若治疗不当,日久可致脾肾阳衰,预后不佳。将钱乙五脏辨证中“脾主困”的学术思想和临床经验相结合,提出“脾困湿盛”是小儿泄泻发生的关键病机。并以温阳运脾,行气化湿为主要治疗大法,自拟调脾汤,临床疗效颇佳。本文拟从儿科温阳学说历史源流出发,介绍秦艳虹教授对小儿泄泻“脾困湿盛”病机理论内涵的认识和对运脾学说的进一步发展以及秦艳虹教授治疗小儿泄泻时以汤药温运为主,内外合治,预防调护的临床经验。附案例一则,以资验证。

关键词: 泄泻, 温阳运脾法, 儿童

Abstract: Childhood diarrhea is a prevalent and recurrent pediatric disease that can result in malnutrition and directly impacts the growth and development of children.It is one of the four major illnesses identified by the Ministry of Health which especially requires prevention and treatment.Professor Qin Yanhong thinks that the internal cause of diarrhea is asthenic susceptibility of spleenwhich leads to the endogenous dampnesswhich interact with each other.If the treatment is not appropriatethe spleen and kidney Yang may fail over timeand the prognosis is poor.Combining Qian Yis academic thought of "spleen-dominating-trapped" with clinical experienceProf.Qin Yanhong proposes that "spleen being trapped and wetness winning" is the key pathogenesis of infantile diarrhea.Prof.Qin develops the self-made decoction to regulate spleen by warming yang and activating the spleenwhich has a good clinical effect.The purpose of this article is to introduce Professor Qin Yanhongs understanding of the pathogenesis of infantile diarrhea "spleen being trapped wetness winning",the professors further development of the theory of activating spleen,as well as Professor Qin Yanhongs clinical experience in the treatment of infantile diarrhea by using decoction for warming,combining the internal with the external treatment and by prevention and regulation.The attached case is provided for the purpose of verification.

Key words:

Diarrhea, Warming yang and activating the spleen, Child