ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 342-345.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-08-25 上线日期:2024-08-26

An analysis of the tri-jiao differentiated treatment for pediatric damp-heat cough in Shu area

  • Published:2024-08-25 Online:2024-08-26

摘要: 蜀地地形使然,盆地地形、气候湿热、饮食喜辛香麻辣厚味,致蜀地多湿热,小儿体质多湿热,并且小儿生理特性,肺脾不足,使得湿热易侵。然湿热之证,湿热困于上中下三焦,皆令人咳,致蜀地小儿湿热咳嗽多见,析三焦咳嗽之因,辨三焦之治,总以湿热两分之大法,并别三焦之治,不离宣肺,期望为蜀地小儿湿热咳嗽治疗提供具有地域特色的证治思路。

关键词: 湿热咳嗽, 蜀地特性, 三焦辨治, 儿童

Abstract: Shu area has the features of basin topography and hot and humid climate,and the people there love spicy food,which results in more cases of children with damp and heat constitution.Because of children′s physiological characteristics of weak lungs and spleen,the dampness and heat can easily invade the childrens body.The dampness and heat is trapped in tri-jiao (upper,middle and lower jiao),all causing cough,so the children in Shu area often have damp-heat cough.The cause of tri-jiao cough is analyzed,and the tri-jiao treatment is differentiated.In general,the tri-jiao treatment is based on the dampness and heat,and is related to ventilating the lungs.It is expected to provide lines of thinking for the characteristic treatment of damp-heat cough in children in Shu area.

Key words:

Damp-heat cough, Characteristics of Shu area, Tri-jiao differentiated treatment, Child