ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 345-348.

• 中医应用研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-08-25 上线日期:2024-08-26

Analysis of experience in treating pediatric eczema based on the "visceral collaterals"

  • Published:2024-08-25 Online:2024-08-26

摘要: 湿疹是临床上婴幼儿常见的具有明显渗出倾向的皮肤病,近年来随着现代大量化学生物制品的应用以及环境变化,小儿湿疹的发病率逐渐上升。该病迁延难愈,复发率高,严重影响儿童日常饮食和睡眠,患儿生长发育也可能受到干扰,因此需积极治疗。络脉是人体内连脏腑、外联肢节、沟通上下的有机通路,同时也是邪气侵袭、传播的通路,脏络理论始于《黄帝内经》,经过历代医家的补充发展,至清代逐渐成形。脏络理论治疗长病久病、迁延难愈类型疾病、皮肤病等疾病时优势明显。现代医家对脉络学说不够重视,临床应用较少,尤其小儿肌肤未善,发育不全,“不明治络者”可见一斑。在临床中多采用脏络理论辨治儿童病,将脏腑辨证与络病理论有机结合,发现湿疹的病机是“脾肺络损,湿热为患”,三期分型,辨证施治,在治疗时内外结合,紧扣通络之法,使湿热之邪既可内化,又可外散,有效地缩短病程,减轻患儿痛苦,为中医儿科临床提供有效的新思路、新方法。

关键词: 湿疹, 脏络, 中医外治法, 儿童

Abstract: Eczema is a clinically common skin disease with obvious exudative tendency in infants and young children.In recent years,with the application of a large number of biochemicals and the changes in environment,the incidence of eczema in children has gradually increased.The disease is persistent and difficult to cure and has a high recurrence rate,which seriously affects children′s daily diet and sleep,and may also interfere with their growth and development.Therefore,active treatment is needed.The collaterals are the organic channels connecting the internal organs,the external limbs,and the upper and lower parts of the human body,and they are also the channels for the invasion and spread of evil qi.The theory of visceral collaterals originated from the "Huangdi Neijing",and gradually became a theory in the Qing Dynasty after being supplemented and developed by medical practitioners throughout history.Visceral collaterals theory has obvious advantages in treating chronic diseases,persistent diseases,diseases difficult to cure,and skin diseases.Modern doctors do not attach enough importance to the theory of collaterals,and its clinical application is limited;especially,childrens development is usually incomplete,and there are many doctors who dont know how to treat through collaterals.In clinical practice,visceral collaterals theory is used in the differential treatment of childhood diseases,integrating visceral syndrome differentiation with the theory of collateral diseases.It is found that the pathogenesis of this disease is that "the collaterals of spleen and lungs are damaged by dampness and heat",and the disease is divided into three stages and is treated based on syndrome differentiation.During treatment,a combination of internal and external treatment is used,focusing on unblocking the collaterals,so that the dampness and heat can be reduced internally and dispersed externally,which effectively shortens the course of the disease and reduces the pain of children.This provides effective new ideas and methods for the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine in pediatrics.

Key words:

EczemaVisceral collaterals, External therapy of traditional Chinese medicine;Child