ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

中国中西医结合儿科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5): 380-383.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3865.2024.05.004

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王雪峰, 张秀英   

  1. 110032 沈阳,辽宁中医药大学附属医院儿科

  • 收稿日期:2024-10-06 修回日期:2024-10-09 出版日期:2024-10-25 上线日期:2024-10-25
  • 通讯作者: 王雪峰,
  • 基金资助:
    王雪峰全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(国中医药人教发[2022]75号); 王雪峰辽宁省中医大师传承工作室建设项目(2022-1);

Traditional Chinese medicine understanding of short stature in children and syndrome differentiation and treatment for the disease

WANG Xuefeng, ZHANG Xiuying   

  1. Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang 110032,China

  • Received:2024-10-06 Revised:2024-10-09 Published:2024-10-25 Online:2024-10-25
  • Contact: WANG Xuefeng,

摘要: 矮身材患儿因矮于同龄儿童,可能出现自卑心理,严重影响心理健康,并对未来的学习、生活等均产生不同程度的影响。中医药通过辨证论治可以改善儿童生长发育状态,在本病治疗方面具有一定的优势,本文首先对矮身材的历史沿革进行了梳理,中医对其系统地论述首见于王雪峰教授主编的全国中医药行业高等教育“十四五”规划教材《中西医结合儿科学》。其次对矮身材的病因病机进行了凝练,其病因不外乎先天禀赋不足和后天失养,病位在脾、肾,与心、肝、肺密切相关,病性多属虚。病机本质为五脏不足,精气亏虚。再次确定了扶脾益肾,兼顾他脏的基本治法;其中补肾养肝法适用于肝肾阴虚,筋骨失养者;扶脾健胃法适用于脾胃虚弱,气血不足者;滋肾清心法适用于心肾亏虚,水火失济者;健脾补肺法适用于肺脾两虚,子盗母气者;温补肾阳法适用于肾阳不足,温煦失司者。最后提出了多维调护,未病先防的调护策略,矮身材患儿应注意营养搭配均衡,适度增加运动,合理安排睡眠,顺应四时调体。

关键词: 矮身材, 中医认识, 辨证施治

Abstract: Because children with short stature are shorter than children of the same age,they may suffer from low self-esteem,which seriously affects their mental health and has different degrees of impact on their future learning and lives.Traditional Chinese medicine has some advantages in the treatment of this disease because its syndrome differentiation and treatment can improve the growth and development of children.This paper first sorts out the historical development of short stature,which,as an independent name of the disease,was firstly seen in the textbook of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Pediatrics edited by Prof.Wang Xuefeng.Then,the etiology and mechanism of short stature are summarized.Its etiology is the deficiency of innate endowment and the lack of nutrition in later life.The disease is located in the spleen and kidneys,and it is closely related to the heart,liver and lungs. The nature of the disease is mostly deficiency.The primary mechanism of the disease is the deficiency of the five organs and the deficiency of essence and qi.The basic treatment principle is determined again,which is to support the spleen and nourish kidneys and also to take into account other organs.Among the treatment methods,the method of tonifying the kidneys and nourishing the liver is suitable to those with deficiency of yin in the liver and kidneys and loss of nourishment of the muscles and bones;the method of supporting the spleen and strengthening the stomach is suitable to those with weakness of the spleen and stomach and deficiency of qi and blood;the method of nourishing the kidneys and clearing the heart is suitable to those with deficiency of the heart and kidneys and imbalance of water and fire;the method of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the lungs is suitable to those with deficiency in the lungs and spleen and loss of qi of the mother;the method of warming and tonifying the kidney-yang is suitable to those with insufficiency of the kidney-yang and dysfunction of warming.Finally,the strategy of multi-dimensional care and prevention before the onset of disease is put forward.For children with short stature,attention should be paid to balanced nutrition,moderate increase in exercise,reasonable arrangement of sleep,and adjustment of the body in line with the four seasons.

Key words: Short stature, Traditional Chinese medicine understanding, Syndrome differentiation and treatment