ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

Chinese Pediatrics of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine ›› 2016, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (2): 225-227.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3865.2016.02.034

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Clinical analysis of short stature in 155 children in Nanyang

NIU Wenzhong,DING Xianchun   

  1. Department of Pediatrics,Nanyang Central Hospital,Nanyang 473000,China.
  • Published:2016-04-25 Online:2018-11-19

Objective:To analyze the etiology of short stature in children in Nanyang.
Methods:Totally 155 children with short stature were selected from October 2009 to February 2015 in Pediatric Department of Nanyang Central Hospital.Detailed records of general information and history were collected;the height and the growth and development situation of their parents and other members of the family were investigated;physical check-up and auxiliary examination were performed.
Results:Among 155 cases of short stature,72 cases were diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency(4645%),50 cases with idiopathic short stature(3226%),10 cases with constitutional delay of growth and puberty(645%),5 cases with small for gestational age(323%),6 cases with hypothyroidism(387%),4 cases with idiopathic central precocious puberty(258%),3 cases with Turner's syndrome(194%),3 cases with achondroplasia(194%),and 2 cases with mucopolysaccharidosis(129%).
Conclusion:Growth hormone deficiency and idiopathic short stature are common etiological factors of short stature in Nanyang.

Key words: Short stature, Clinical analysis, Children