ISSN 1674-3865  CN 21-1569/R

Chinese Pediatrics of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine ›› 2016, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (2): 231-233.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-3865.2016.02.036

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Application of professor Diao Benshu′s thought about the spleen and stomach disease to pediatric exogenous fever

DU Yuan,WANG Wei,DIAO Benshu   

  1. Affiliated Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Sichuan Medical University,Luzhou 646000,China.
  • Published:2016-04-25 Online:2018-11-19

Abstract: The spleen and stomach is the source of Qi and blood,called “foundation of acquired constitution” in traditional Chinese medicine,which has a very important 
position in the theory of TCM,especially in pediatric physiology and pathology known as “infantile spleen is often insufficient” argument.Prof.Diao Benshu always puts emphasis on “spleen and stomach” thought in treating epidemic febrile diseases,and he puts forward correspondingly the three-word principle of “Gu,Jian,Yang”.Based on specific cases, this paper illustrated the unique syndrome differentiation rule in the treatment of infantile fever.

Key words: Exogenous fever, Thought of spleen and stomach disease, Diao Benshu, Clinical experience of famous physician, Children